Wareham Oyster Festival–Onset Bay Discovery Center Event 5/23/17

Wareham Oyster Festival–Onset Bay Discovery Center Event 5/23/17

Many of us here at the WLT celebrated when Onset’s iconic Wickets Island was protected. The property was sold to the Buzzards Bay Coalition thanks in large part to Wareham’s town meeting voter approval of $400,000 from the Community Preservation funds toward the purchase.The island is part of a broad plan by the BBC to bring a learning center to the area. Learn more about the revitalization of the historic Onset Bathhouse at this event on Tuesday, May 23rd, 7:00-9:00pm. The Onset Bay Discovery Center will engage people of all ages through a variety of outdoor activities while fostering a connection and sense of stewardship toward Buzzards Bay.
Admission is free, but preregistration is required. Preregistered attendees receive a complimentary cup of Lindsey’s famous seafood bisque; menu items and beverages will also be available for purchase. This event is part of the Wareham Oyster Festival Educational Series. The WLT will also have an informational booth in front of our office on Main Street during the festival on Sunday, May 28th.

Tickets: https://warehamoyster.com/2017/02/28/oyster-week-educational-series/

More information on the festival: https://warehamoyster.com/




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