Volunteer Day: OWD/Gregory Parcels – May 11

Volunteer Day: OWD/Gregory Parcels – May 11

Posted April 28, 2022

Where: Onset Water District CR and WLT’s Gregory parcel. We will meet at the OWD office at 15 Sand Pond Road, and then we’ll caravan through OWD’s access roads to the work site.

When: Wednesday, May 11, 1pm-3pm

Join the Wareham Land Trust to clean up some of the properties we steward. We’ll join forces with the Onset Water District staff to collect and remove trash from a portion of their property on which WLT holds a conservation restriction, as well as on our adjacent Gregory property. This is a unique chance to visit some of our conservation land that is not typically open to the public.

Dress appropriately for the weather, bring work gloves, and consider bringing other essentials, such as water and bug spray.

Please register in advance for this event here.

(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet