Summer 2020 Trail Days

Summer 2020 Trail Days

Posted June 16, 2020

Written by Mike Perrin

Do you love walking the trails in Wareham?

Do you like working with your hands?

Do you want to get more involved with land conservation in your area?

Join the Wareham Land Trust on June 23rd, July 7th, and July 21st for our Tuesday Trail Days! Every other Tuesday, our TerraCorps Land Stewardship Coordinator, Mike Perrin, will be leading SOCIALLY DISTANCED trail work events. The time slot of 10:00-11:30am will remain the same for all 3 work days, but the locations will differ. Our current plan is to hold June 23rd at Marks Cove Conservation Area, July 7th at Douglas S. Westgate Conservation Area, and July 21st at Tweedy and Barnes Conservation Area. For the most updated information check this post and our Registration page.

Participants can expect to help with a variety of stewardship tasks, including pulling invasive plants, clearing trails of downed debris and encroaching vegetation, and picking up litter/trash. Along with water, insect repellent, and other supplies, please remember to bring a mask, your own tools, and your own work gloves to minimize contact. To limit the number of participants, please RSVP here before attending or email Mike at

We could not protect and steward land without the support of our volunteers and donors, so we hope to see you there!

*NOTE: There will be a gap in trail work events between the end of July and beginning of September. Check back for more information!

(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet