Posted April 1, 2020
Written by Kyla Isakson
It’s raining frogs outside… APRIL FOOLS!
No, it’s not raining frogs, but here is some cool information about spring peepers!
Spring peepers are small frogs that are common in and native to eastern North America. They are best known for their “peeps,” or high-pitched calls. As their name suggests, you will start to hear spring peepers in the spring after they have emerged from hibernation underground. Males make these calls to attract a mate. When the females lay eggs, each egg is laid individually instead of in a large egg mass.
These frogs can be identified by their light coloring with a dark X-shape on their backs. This light coloring allows spring peepers to blend in with tree bark and leaf litter on the forest floor. Some even have the ability to change color to adjust to their surroundings. Spring peepers are important in the environment because they help maintain healthy insect populations.
Here’s a clip from Audubon Guides of spring peepers calling. See if you can hear them in your backyard or on your next hike!