Membership FAQs

Why join the Wareham Land Trust?

  • Becoming a member allows you to join a vibrant community of over 300 hard-working and dedicated people committed to preserving and protecting Wareham’s beautiful land and natural resources in perpetuity.

What are the benefits of membership?

  • Joining as a member allows you to:
    • Attend all WLT events and activities for free.
    • Stay current on upcoming events and activities with our monthly e-newsletter.
    • Receive a printed annual newsletter each summer.
    • Attend our free, members-only annual meeting, traditionally held aboard the Monhegan on the 2nd Tuesday in August
    • Vote in the elections of the WLT governing Board of Directors at the Annual Meeting, giving members the benefit of influence over the direction of the organization.

If I join as a member, what will be expected from me?

  • Aside from paying the annual membership fee, nothing!. However, as a nearly all-volunteer organization, members do the much of the work running the land trust, including staffing events, maintaining properties, and setting the land trust’s priorities. There’s no obligation and you can decide how much you’d like to participate in the various Land Trust activities.

Are there any differences between membership tiers?

  • Higher tiers provide more financial support for the WLT’s mission. Besides that, the only difference is in the number of people who receive benefits. For the student and individual tiers, membership benefits extend only to one person, while for all other tiers membership benefits extend to an entire household.

How can I support the Land Trust beyond joining as a member?

  • Get involved by donating your time:
    • Volunteer to help with our bimonthly trail days or our periodic tabling events
    • Become a property steward –
      • This involves visiting a property several times a year and completing a monitoring report once per year.


  • Donate some of your Treasure:
    • That could be an auction item, A conservation restriction on your beloved land, The outright gift of that property, or financial support that will allow the WLT to continue its mission

Become a member today!

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.”
Margaret Mead

(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet