Posted September 29, 2022
Hello all!
My name is Emily, and I am the new 2022-23 TerraCorps member serving under the Wareham Land Trust! Originally from the Delaware Water Gap in Pennsylvania, I relocated to Wareham to pursue the opportunity to learn from the incredibly knowledgeable WLT Boards and the all-star Executive Director, Elise Leduc-Fleming. I have grown up sandwiched between the Delaware River and Appalachian Mountains and have always benefited from the programs that my local land trust organizations have made available to me. It’s always been my goal to somehow contribute back into the pot that I’ve been able to take from while sharing my passion for environmental conservation with those around me.
That being said, I feel so lucky to have the chance to work with the community on a number of upcoming projects. Under WLT’s guidance, I’m excited to start a bimonthly Trail Day program to maintain and expand upon the network of trails and greenspaces that make Wareham such a beautiful coastal community. I look forward to putting my educational background of environmental planning, GIS and community engagement to use and contribute to WLT’s mission every step of the way. If you ever see me out on the trails with my dopey dog, I’d love to chat and learn more about the area and community!