#GivingTuesdayNow – Tuesday May 5, 2020

#GivingTuesdayNow – Tuesday May 5, 2020

Posted April 28, 2020

Compiled and written by Amy Pettigrew in collaboration with Kyla Isakson, Melyssa Millett, Mike Perrin, and #GivingTuesdayNow

In just one week, people around the world will come together to support their communities as a part of the global #GivingTuesdayNow movement. #GivingTuesdayNow is a global day of giving and unity that will take place on May 5, 2020 as an emergency response to the unprecedented need caused by COVID-19. At a time when we are all experiencing the pandemic in some form or another, generosity is what brings people of all races, faiths, and political views together across the globe. Generosity gives everyone the power to make a positive change in the lives of others and is a fundamental value anyone can act on.

The WLT is encouraging members of our community to participate in #GivingTuesdayNow to band together and show support for our community and the environment. To participate, we encourage you to consider giving your Voice, Goods, Time, Talent, Kindness, and Dollars.


As an all volunteer land trust, the WLT actively works to speak out for the environment and to protect the natural areas in town that are the most vulnerable. We have built many valuable partnerships within our community, including with the Town, other land trusts, and various other community organizations. This has strengthened our collective voice for best practices towards the natural environment in Wareham. Over the course of our existence we have worked to protect over 650 acres of conservation land in town.

You too can use your voice to better Wareham! We are always looking for more members and volunteers to join in our efforts. You can advocate for more open space in Town, protection of existing natural areas and trails, and support development projects that are sustainable and environmentally conscious. Your voice matters!


At The Wareham Land Trust, we put major emphasis on community programs and events. We actively apply for grants and fundraise within the community so that we can offer as many events as possible for free admission.

We’re always looking for donated supplies to help us do what we do! Consider donating gently used stewardship tools, binoculars, field guides, or other outreach materials that we can use on the trails and during programs.


As an all-volunteer land trust, the Wareham Land Trust relies on our wonderful, dedicated volunteers to ensure our properties and trails are accessible, safe, and aesthetically pleasing through volunteer stewardship programs. As a member of the land trust, you can join the Reserve Rangers program as a Ranger of one of our trails. Rangers frequently walk trails and document conservation issues so that WLT can quickly respond to stewardship needs. Once the COVID-19 pandemic is over, WLT will continue to host monthly volunteer trail work events, where volunteers help clear trails and perform other necessary stewardship tasks. Since our trials are still open, hikers can give their time by safely picking up trash on trails (using gloves and good judgement as safety is our #1 priority!) and moving small sticks off the trails. We require all hikers to follow our trail etiquette and physical distancing guidelines.

Another way to give your time is by participating in citizen science programs around Wareham. WLT has partnered with Mass Audubon South Coast Sanctuaries to expand the OspreyWatch citizen science monitoring program, focused on documenting breeding activities of Osprey in Wareham. You can also participate in eBird and iNaturalist to help gather information on the ecology and natural history of Wareham. 

To get more information on volunteer stewardship and citizen science programs and give your TIME to Wareham Land Trust, email TerraCorps Land Stewardship Coordinator Mike Perrin at Stewardship@WarehamLandTrust.org


At the Wareham Land Trust, we strive to provide interactive, educational community events on a regular basis, in addition to protecting Wareham’s open spaces and maintaining trails for public use. As an all-volunteer land trust, we rely on the talents of our members and volunteers to reach these goals. If you are interested in offering your TALENT to the Wareham Land Trust, here are some ways you can get involved!

  • Do you have experience in the finance, legal, real-estate, or conservation industry? We are always looking for new committee members to lend their talents to the WLT.
  • Are you interested in volunteering for a service project? The WLT has volunteer opportunities in citizen science, outreach programs, and trail maintenance, including the Osprey Watch and Reserve Ranger programs.
  • Do you have photography or writing skills? Photos of our properties or short blog posts for our website are greatly appreciated!

If any of these options interest you, or if you have another talent that you think may be useful to the WLT, please consider reaching out to us!


As a note of gratitude, we would like to thank our members for their ongoing support. We would not be able to protect Wareham’s open spaces, host educational programs, or provide the community with a sense of connection to the environment without your support through donations, volunteer hours, and attendance at events. 

Connect with us! We love to hear feedback on past programs, suggestions for future events, and words of kindness and encouragement about our conservation efforts. Share your favorite memories, experiences, and interactions with members of The Wareham Land Trust. Leave a comment on our social media posts, send us a private message, or email us.

To share how and why you give to support land conservation in your local community, participate in the #Unselfie campaign! Print out this template, create your own sign, or search for ‘unselfie’ stickers on Instagram and Snapchat, and don’t forget to share it with us on social media! Challenge friends and family members to share how and why they give kindness too.

Not sure how to show kindness during this time of social distancing? Check out our KINDNESS BINGO activity! Whether you fill one square or fill them all, every act of kindness is appreciated!

We hope that you will continue to support us so that we can protect the priceless resources in Wareham for current and future generations to enjoy for years to come.


Since we are an all-volunteer organization, every donation we receive funds our conservation efforts in town, including community programs and events. We would like to take this moment to thank everyone who voted for Wareham Land Trust as part of the Target Circle Guest-directed Giving program. We received over 9,000 votes which raised over $1,500 for the Land Trust!

Some ways you can give your dollars include:

  • Becoming a member! We are a membership-supported nonprofit, meaning your membership dues go directly towards local land conservation, property stewardship, and community programs.
  • Donating on May 5th as part of #GivingTuesdayNow. We appreciate each and every donation we receive and take pride in using these funds to better our community and environment!
  • Selecting The Wareham Land Trust as your chosen nonprofit for purchases through the Amazon Smile program if you choose to shop on Amazon.

We understand not everyone is able to contribute financially, especially given current circumstances. We all have gifts to give, and with social media, online giving, delivery, mail, and phones, there are limitless ways to use your generosity to support others.

(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet