It’s the Tuesday before Thanksgiving and the beginning of many holiday celebrations for Wareham residents. The Wareham Land Trust family extends our warmest wishes to our members. We don’t often talk about fundraising here on the blog, but next Tuesday is called “Giving Tuesday” and I think it is a good time to sing our own praises and ask for your help as you consider any year-end charitable donations. Giving Tuesday began six years ago online as a way to raise awareness for charitable giving and community involvement. As a nonprofit organization, the Wareham Land Trust must constantly find ways to cover the cost of expenses, while at the same time trying to raise funds for land and land protection. Those expenses include rent and utilities for our small office space; mailing, printing, and postage costs; venue rentals and speaker fees for community programming; insurance costs; website hosting charges; engineering and survey costs; property clean-up charges (when debris is beyond the scale of a volunteer clean-up)…and, well, as you see, there are many expenses to cover.
I hope you will consider clicking on the donate button in the spirit of #GivingTuesday. A $15 donation would cover the web for a month, a $50 donation would cover a rental hall for a program, a $100 donation would cover a dump run…every dollar would help us maintain and protect the conservation land we love as well as bring the spirit of that love to a community event in the future.
And speaking of community spirit…another long-standing tradition that we highly praise is the idea that we should all get outdoors and take a walk after Thanksgiving instead of shopping. There really is no such thing as “retail therapy.” Therapy is “treatment intended to relieve or heal.” There is nothing that relieves and heals like the quiet solitude of a late autumn trail. Or a windy walk by a quiet cove. THAT is therapy – and that is something the Wareham Land Trust can offer. Here is a photo taken this morning at our North Water Street Beach property. Broad Cove in Onset is ideal for winter bird watching and it’s a pretty little neighborhood for a morning stroll. We recommend this or any other of the lovely spots around Wareham for your own after-turkey walk. Peruse the property page for more ideas!
Thank you all for your membership and support. It is appreciated!