April Trail Days

April Trail Days

The Wareham Land Trust is happy to announce our April trail workdays as part of our bimonthly Trail Day initiative! Please bring your own work gloves, we will provide tools (clippers, loppers, saws, etc.) but you may also bring your own. Water, bug spray, sunscreen and appropriate woods attire is encouraged.

Saturday April 13th – Whitlock’s Landing 

Join us on Saturday, April 13th, to construct a bench for Marks Cove at Whitlock’s Landing. We will meet at 10:00am and work until about 12pm. Parking is available onsite at Whitlock’s Landing, 150 Glen Charlie Road, East Wareham

Click here to register

Tuesday April 23rd – Whitlock’s Landing

Join us on Tuesday, April 23rd, to construct a kiosk for Marks Cove at Whitlock’s Landing. We will meet at 10:00am and work until about 1pm. Parking is available onsite at Whitlock’s Landing, 150 Glen Charlie Road, East Wareham

Click here to register


(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet