April 27, 2019 – YMCA Healthy Kids Day

April 27, 2019 – YMCA Healthy Kids Day

Visit our table at the Gleason YMCA Healthy Kids Day on Saturday, April 27th from noon-2pm.

Healthy kids day is a free community event. Come to the Wareham Land Trust table to learn about local properties to explore this summer and fun ways to get outdoors. Whether getting out onto local natural areas as a family, or looking to join us for one of our guided programs and workshops, the WLT offers a variety of ways to connect to nature all year long!

Other event activities include, but are not limited to, an inflatable obstacle course, games, activities, and demonstrations from local organizations. Both the Plymouth County K9 unit & the Wareham Dept. of Natural Resources will be there this year. Other participants include Wareham Garden Club seed planting, LL Bean Discovery School, Wareham Recycling, Wareham Library, and touch a truck with Cape Cod Customs. Take a tour of Camp Nep-In-Nae and learn what the YMCA has to offer your kids this summer.

This annual family-friendly event will interest kids of all ages

(C) Wareham Land Trust ~ provided by New Bedford Internet