We are once again very fortunate to be sharing the talents and time of two AmeriCorps/MassLIFT workers with the Buzzards Bay Coalition. For a service year, running now through next August, Ben Hyland and Michaella Sheridan will be participating in our ongoing efforts to bring conservation-related news and local activities to residents of Wareham. Ben’s primary activities are related to youth education. Michaella will concentrate on community outreach. Student programs, press releases, publicity work, social media…these much-needed areas of work that our small group of dedicated volunteers couldn’t possibly address will be met thanks to their hard work and dedication.
Ben recently graduated from UMass Amherst with a degree in Resource Conservation. He spent this past summer as Program Director at Camp Squanto of Miles Standish State Forest in Plymouth. Ben hopes to create a relationship between Wareham/South Coast Boy Scout Troops and the Land Trust through the involvement of stewardship or educational events on Wareham Land Trust properties.
After graduating from college last year, Michaella took a cross-country road trip exploring the country’s national parks and completed a writing internship with the SIERRA organization in California. She hopes to develop a platform that will increase our capacity to engage the community and develop relationships that will result in different voices contributing to our story moving forward. Welcome Ben and Michaella!
More information on the MassLIFT program can be found here: http://www.mountgrace.org/masslift-americorps